Developing high performing persona's through fitness training 

Our journey

For over 22 years I have been observing the effect fitness training has on the body's of thousands of individuals. Initially, my aim was to get the best physical version of whomever I was training by utilizing the "best" techniques from as many disciplines I could learn from. After about 10 years of focusing purely on the physical, I started noticing how the mind effects the training result more than the individuals ability to move their body/weights/objects a certain way. I started noticing that the more the brain had to work, the more interested the participant became - the better the results. In this time an unintended pattern started emerging - people I trained started getting "smarter", and they started consistently overtaking their peers at work. My hypothesis became - by solving complicated physical tasking problems, the ability to solve mental tasking in the workplace skyrocketed. I also found that as their overall ability to handle external stress improved  the ability to handle complex workplace/life scenarios also delivered tangible results. This has been my focus for the past 12 years. Our system provides a complimentary baseline physiology that prepares the individual for any physical of mental endeavor you may have. This, along with the nice side effects of looking and feeling great, is what sets our system apart.    


“Looking great is a side effect of training strategically”

— Justin Stevenson, FOUNDER


Did you know you can manipulate your reality through smart training? I see it all the time and do it every day. If you would like this to be your reality study my body of work on this website. I believe everyone should attempt the step of becoming a High Performance Person (HPP). My definition of an HPP is someone who has their physical (matter) and mental (energetic) bodies under control, because how can you achieve anything worthwhile when you cannot control yourself?

Justin Stevenson

Justin Stevenson

100% Steroid & Hormone free

We do not promote or partake in the activity of recreational steroid & hormone replacement. Although the wealth of knowledge behind these technologies is excellent and has its place, we prefer to train as "free-range" as possible because the audience who believes in us must understand our results are not fabricated. There are no short cuts to our system and we believe the discipline required to maintain such approach, builds mentally stronger people which in turn enhances that individuals potential life experience. 


Our Stystems Strategy

Our systems philosophy is based on 5 levels of training proficiency:

  1. Novice

  2. Mechanically Sound

  3. Able to isolate patterns/specificity

  4. All-round skillset

  5. Professional skillset

We believe training is for life. The journey from Novice to Pro is supposed to take time. When we are training for life performance, we do not need to over-complicate things with too much too soon. Rather than focus on the finish - of which there is none - we focus on the unique skills we can learn and apply to everyday activities and evolve our training from here. Each level also represents a level of mental acuity. As we evolve into the higher levels of training, new neural pathways and belief systems must be made. These connections are where this system of training becomes priceless.

flow diagram work output.PNG

Hierarchy of physical skills

  • Controlled Strength
  • Strength Endurance
  • Agility & Coordination
  • Cardio Respiratory
  • Mobility & Flexibility
  • Controlled Strength
  • Strength Endurance
  • Agility & Coordination
  • Cardio Respiratory
  • Mobility & Flexibility

This pie chart is a basic formula of how we prepare our training sessions. The training is designed to cover all the important areas of physical conditioning that are neglected as a primary focus, then, as the participant becomes more experienced, more advanced movements/methodologies can then be applied.

Cyn Stevenson

Cyn Stevenson

Through the training effect we become aware of what we think and why. These thoughts and emotions are what shape our values and beliefs. Training is a valuable tool which helps us identify then rectify limiting habits and belief systems we have had preprogrammed into our subconscious. We strive to overcome these boundaries using the training effect as a tool in creating a high performance persona. Only then, when we learn to eliminate false beliefs and past patterns, can we can truly excel in training and life.

-Justin Stevenson

- Stevenson Training Systems manifesto